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Inline Grading/Discussions/Journal/Wiki/Blogs/Assignments:
This update to the inline grading experience improves the user experience and resolves defects in the recently released Inline Grading feature for Assignments, Blogs, Journals, Wikis and Discussion Board.
Instructions for Assignments, Blogs, Journals and Wikis are again available in the left panel.
- Additional metadata is available in the right panel under the "About…" menu.
- Reintroduced the ability to hide/show empty Blogs and Journals in the user navigation list on the right panel.
- Blogs and Journals with no entries will display default informational text to the user instead of a blank panel.
- The index legend formerly available in the right sidebar is now available in "More Help."
- Discussion Board "Failed to Save" error message is displayed and the VTBE fails to load when replying to Discussion forum threads.
- Anonymous Discussion forum posts can be edited and made not anonymous by instructors.
- Rubric Discussion Board Feedback is not displayed to the student or instructor.
- Using Firefox 22+ to quote or reply to a Discussion Board thread incorrectly presents the text from the previously created post.
- Tool based assessments such as Discussions, Blogs & Journals and Wikis cannot be graded due to the grading area not appearing when viewing student activity
- A NullPointerException error is reported when a student submits an Assignment using an attachment with the file name over 125 characters or 42 Multi-byte characters. The file is still added and the attempt created, but the instructor will receive a NullPointerException error when trying to view the attempt.
- The student ID and Avatar are displayed in Blog posts when the anonymous option "Allow Anonymous Entries and Comments" is enabled for the Blog
- Blog instructions are not displayed in the middle of the page. To view the instructions, the usermust click on "About this Blog" on the upper right side of the page. The same behavior is observed with Journals.
Item Analysis:
- Incorrect difficulty percentage calculation in Item Analysis Report with Question Sets
- An "Invalid page access for course" error is displayed when selecting grade details for
- Self and Peer Assessment when show Show Evaluation Results to Submitter is False
- Rounding score is leading to incorrect percentage in Self and Peer Assessment
Partner Cloud:
Leveraging the larger Blackboard Cloud infrastructure, the Partner Cloud allows institutions to access multiple state-of-the-art integrations of high quality educational content within Blackboard Learn platform through a single Building Block.
- Enhanced UI on Partner selections including new and enhanced partner selection page, table of content icons, and deployed location information in the content discovery process for links already added to the course.
- Activity Accumulator: Reporting enhancements for commercial content in standard Learn reports.
- Mobile: Enhancements to support Bb Learn Mobile app accessibility
- Commercial Content Option: For SP14 and above, if no partners are enabled for PC, Commercial Content option is removed.
- Achievements B2 has been, causing some images to not appear When Guest users access, 'Something went wrong' message box pops up
- Achievement building block giving errors on export / archive / copy (Internal)
- The date in the certificate is not the achieved date but the system date (Internal)
- The issuer name cannot be null on the Select Rewards-Badge) (Internal)
- When issuer = Course, the expiry date, issuer name and other parameters in the UI should be applied to both badges and certificates in order to have a consistent behavior (Internal)
- When issuer = Course, the default value for Issuer Name should be set from the admin Manage Achievements page for both Certificate and Badge (Internal)
- Screen Reader announces twice for Achievement Type (Internal)
- Screen Reader announces twice for Review Status in the Define Trigger page (Internal)
- Screen Reader announces incorrectly for Expiry Date in the Select Rewards page (Internal)
- Show All button is not working as expected in the Recipients light box (Internal)
- When editing an achievement there is no quick way to Save and Exit. UI update has been made so that the buttons now appear as: "Cancel Save and Exit | Next <context>" (Internal)
- Typo under Achievements > Membership > Recipients > "Date Received" (Internal)
- Manage Achievements page needs Help text (Internal)
- Access to Manage Achievements should be defined via Entitlement in the Admin Panel (Internal)
- Instructors should be able to designate a reward expiry based on reward received date and validity period (Internal)
- For instructors and administrators enrolled in a large number of courses, the calendar displays "Error Getting Events Not Found"
- The course calendar does not load in a course if the Course ID contains more than one period (.)
- Date format is incorrect when usingg Korean language pack
Content Editor:
- HTML editing breaks formatting and images in course migrated from Vista/CE8
- Video Everywhere not working for students when inserted as thumbnail
- Embedded audio always auto playss
- Unable to embed a URL when using the Insert/Edit Embedded Media window
Grading/My Grading:
Retention Center:- Custom Smart View returns incorrect results if Course ID contains underscores,
- Grade Center displays errorParsingDataMsg
- Test results do not appear when there are disabled users in the course without attempts, even after all enabled
- Hidden columns on Grade Center are shown to students on My Grades tool,
- Error when students access assignments from within My Grades after grade attempt is cleared
- Performance issue EWS' insert runs indefinitely
- Warning generation queries and course list on My Blackboard need to take into account courses with Term availability (Internal)
- Retention Center rules and alerts appear to duplicate users,
- Retention Center building block fails with collation conflict on sql server,
- Retention Center does not work with custom language packs,
- Early warning rules do not display for courses associated with terms,
- IE9 causing CPU spiking and slow response in taking quiz
- Test description is missing inside of assessment
- Resolved: issue where extra brackets were added to item titles
- Resolved: issue where some students were having trouble loading content
- Resolved: issue where empty URL fields were being passed to the app
- Resolved: issue where users were receiving push notifications from unavailable courses
- Resolved: issue where Surveys and Assignments were not marked as read
- Resolved: issue with mobile compatible tests and editing the start/end date year
- Resolved: issue where Discussion posts were not being marked as read
- Resolved: issue where data error occurred when loading courses
- Resolved: issue where new items in Learning Module were not marked as unread
- Resolved: issue where Assignments were not being marked as read
- Resolved: issue where the B2 settings page was crashing for some schools
- Resolved: issue where available content in an unavailable folder was accessible
- Resolved: issue where some schools’ courses were not viewable
- Resolved: issue displaying special characters
- Improved: enhances lesson plan view
- Improved: addresses a grades column display issue with the "Score Attempts Using" grade logic set by the instructor in the Grade Center
- Improved: enhances course artifact linking in Discussions
- Improved: simplify B2 settings
- Improved: localization improvements
- Added: support for multiple choice questions when the 'Show Answers in Random Order' option is selected in a mobile compatible test
- Added: Instructors can now open unavailable mobile tests in the app in order to preview the student experience
- Added: the Group File Exchange area in group tools
- Added: tracking for when a user adds a new Blog entry, a new Blog comment, and a new Journal comment (a new Journal entry was already being tracked)
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