First, donate gently used or new items you don't want to the Shenandoah Salvage Co., which in turn will give unwanted items to people who really want them. There will be marked collection boxes in all residence halls & in other campus buildings during the final week of school.Contatct Stacey Keenan at for more details.
If you are graduating, you must attend the Commencement rehearsal is at 2:30 p.m. on 5/10, in Armstrong Concert Hall. Do not wear your cap and gown for rehearsal. Following the session in Armstrong, students will walk through the ceremony in the Smith Library Plaza. Attend the President's Lunch on Saturday, May 11 from 10:30a-12:30p in the Student Center. You must RSVP online at Finally, visit the SU Career Services office to make sure your resume is ready to go. Click here to see more information.
Prepare you technology now, so you don't have any issues during your final exams. Check your laptop for viruses, malware, and adware. If you like to "surf the Web" then allow time to do this again before you first exam and do not "surf" until your exams are over! It is also recommended that you clear your browser(s) cache, click here for help. Check with your instructor(s) to see if they will be using Secure Exam Browser (SEB). If so and you have a Windows computer, you can download the most recent version from within Blackboard. If you have an SU mac then use Self Service to get the most recent version of SEB. If you have a non-SU mac, then you will need to visit the Help Desk for them to update/install SEB on your computer. Ask your faculty member for a practice test with 1-3 questions, to make sure you computer is ready. Finally, make sure you come to class with a fully charged battery and all extra applications like Skype, Chat, Email, Facebook, & Twitter closed, along with any auto-updates.If you have any questions or need help making sure you computer equipment is ready for success, visit the help desk or call them at 540-665-5555 or email them
Click here to see 10 Study Tips, or click here to see University of Albany's exam prep tips, Plattsbaugh State University of New York's Learing Center provides a study advise guide here, and FastWeb's tips are located here. You can also "Like" Student Life on Facebook or "Follow" them on Twitter to see relaxing act ivies to participate in.
Enjoy the Apple Blossom activities this weekend, but remember to be safe! |
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