When you opt-in to receive notifications through the Connect for Learn system, you can receive automated alerts for a variety of course changes including announcements, assignment due dates, and grade posts by voice, text, mobile, or email.
Your instructors can also send messages via SMS or Text-to-voice to ensure that you get up-to-the-minute information related to your courses. It is important for you to understand that these messages are one-way only. If you get one of these messages and have additional questions, you will need to email your instructor directly.
How to sign up for Notifications
Login to Blackboard.
1) On the top bar, click the drop down arrow by your name and then Settings at the bottom of the contextual menu.
3) You may either Edit General Settings or edit individual course settings or edit Courses I am teaching/taking.
4) Individual course editing will appear with this heading:
5)Bulk editing will appear with this heading:
You may select all courses or just select the courses in which you are currently enrolled depending on your personal preference. The notification changes on both options are the same and consist of the following steps:
6) Notification Destinations, which will be your mobile device and email address where you would like your notifications to be sent
7) Settings, which is the notifications you wish to be turned on or off. There are three columns, one for your Blackboard 9.1 Home Page, one for your Mobile Device, and one for your Email.
8) Once you have finished checking all of the notifications you wish to receive for your Dashboard, Mobile Device, and Email, select Submit.
About the settings
There are five places to send notifications: the dashboard, e-mail, mobile, SMS, and Text-To-Voice.If an item is checked, a notification regarding that item will be sent to the specified place that you set. For example, if you check the box next to Assignment Due for Dashboard and E-mail, a notification will be sent to both those places about the due date of the assignment. Dashboard---The Dashboard is part of your Blackboard course and refers to the main page that instructors and students see when they click a Blackboard course. New notifications are displayed under the What's New Box on your Blackboard course.
E-mail---If you have enabled e-mail notifications, e-mails will be sent to all involved in a Blackboard course (instructor's, students, teaching assistants, etc) regarding the specific items (such as assignments, announcements, tests, etc)that have been added on Blackboard.
Mobile---If mobile is enabled, you will receive notification via the Blackboard Mobile Learn App.
SMS--- This notification method will send text messages to your mobile phone. You will need to put your mobile number into Bb, opting in, before you can receive notifications this way. Make sure your phone plan is setup to receive text messages, so you do not get unexpected charges.
Text-To-Voice--- This notification method will convert text messages notification into voice calls on your mobile phone. You will need to put your mobile number into Bb, opting in, before you can receive notifications this way. Make sure you have enough minutes for these extra calls from Bb, so you do not get charged extra.
If you have not provided a number for Bb Connect for Learn to use through the e-notify page, or that number has not yet been imported into the Blackboard LMS, you will not be able to select these options, and the following message (yellow boxes) will display:
For additional assistance, you can watch the video within Atomic Learning.
You can also access your notification settings via the course/organization tool "Mobile Preferences". The tool screen looks like the image below. Simply enter your mobile number and click what you want to setup.
You are always welcome to email your Blackboard question to bbsupport@su.edu.
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