The following are some tips and items you should be aware of when taking tests or quizzes through SU's Blackboard System.
Be aware of timeouts. Blackboard times out after 90 minutes of inactivity. Your Internet Service Provider may time out sooner with no activity. Make sure you save your answers as you move through the test, so you can avoid losing everything if your service times out or your connection is lost.
Read the test directions carefully. The Instructor generally places test instructions under the test link. Information about the timing and availability of the test will be listed below the professor’s directions. Take note of whether the questions are delivered “All at Once” or “One at a Time”:
• All at Once: If all of the test questions appear on the page at once, the Save Answer button will appear next to each question. Click Save Answer after you complete each question. You can come back later and change the answer and re-save it.
• One at a Time: In this mode, you will have to click Save Answer after each question in order to move ahead with the test. Make sure you check the directions to find out if you will be allowed to go back and review the questions once they have been completed. Sometimes, a professor will give you one chance to answer a question without allowing you to go back and change it.
Read the test directions carefully. The Instructor generally places test instructions under the test link. Information about the timing and availability of the test will be listed below the professor’s directions. Take note of whether the questions are delivered “All at Once” or “One at a Time”:
• All at Once: If all of the test questions appear on the page at once, the Save Answer button will appear next to each question. Click Save Answer after you complete each question. You can come back later and change the answer and re-save it.
• One at a Time: In this mode, you will have to click Save Answer after each question in order to move ahead with the test. Make sure you check the directions to find out if you will be allowed to go back and review the questions once they have been completed. Sometimes, a professor will give you one chance to answer a question without allowing you to go back and change it.
"Finish" the test. Once you have finished answering the questions, click the Save All button to make sure all your answers are saved, and then click the Finish button to submit the test. (Clicking the Save All button will save your answers, but does not submit the test.) If you do not submit the test, you will receive no credit for your answers. You should see a confirmation message if the submission was successful.
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